
关灯 护眼
笔趣阁 > 禁忌恋之总裁哥哥不行啦 > Chapter. 8

Chapter. 8

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“the snow the sunrise, welcome back! (雪曦,欢迎回来!)”顾雪曦刚进门,就迎来了一个暖暖的拥抱,和一句暖暖的声音,刚刚恢复的双眼,再次红了起来。吸了一口气,他起手来,回抱了金幻雪,“thank you, and i'm back。 (谢谢,还有,我回来了。)”

“in the uk? did you have a good ti you get used to it? (在英国怎么样?过得好吗?还习惯吗?) ”金幻雪拉着顾雪曦的手,坐在沙发上,温柔的看着她。

“well, well, things have been finished, so i'll be back。 how about your side? (嗯,还不错,事情已经忙完了,所以就回来了。你们这边怎么样?)”顾雪曦点了点头,看着坐在大厅上的所有人,担心地问。

“can rest assured that the snow has her face to look like you entered the guggenheim group, however, that wu haocang seems to be very suspicious。 (放心吧,圣雪已经易容成你的样子进入了顾氏集团,但是,那个吴昊苍好像疑心很重。)”金幻雪拍了一下顾雪曦的头,让她放心,他们会解决好的。

“well, i'm very trust you。 (嗯,我很相信你们啊。)”顾雪曦将金幻雪的手从自己头上拿了下来,看着他们,“that what i am going to do? (那我接下来要怎么办?)”

“don't worry, there will be when you need to do。 you then。。。 (放心吧,会有你要做的时候。你接下来。。。)”金幻雪邪魅的笑了一下。



“next, you should be easy to let into the appearance of the entrance, and as a partner, two people go to the guggenheim group work, you should be careful, don't reveal what bag here, otherwise, everything we do will be wasted, and you have to be careful wu haocang this person。 he is very suspicious。 (你接下来,要易容成升学的样子,和流光两人作为合作人,一起去顾氏集团上班,你可要小心哦,别露出什么马脚来了,否则,我们做的一切就都白费了,还有,你要小心吴昊苍这个人。他疑心很重。)”金幻雪收起脸上的笑容,严肃的看着顾雪曦。

“ok, i see, i'll be careful。 also, what is the cooperation of this ti you give se? by the way, we do so, what to do? need not to need to find a point what? also, we are as a assistant, right? (好,我明白了,我会小心一点的。还有,这次的合作是什么?可以把文件给我看看吗?对了,我们除了这么做,还要做什么?需不需要找点什么?还有,我们是作为助手的,对吧?)”顾雪曦点了点头,此时的她,也已经收起了脸上那温柔的笑容,也是满脸的严肃。这是他们谈到任务时的习惯,收起一切的笑容,严肃对待。

“don't need, you just in time to be assistant around, you do it arouses suspicion, it is best not to。 you and tilso to cover the holy snow。 (不需要,你只要在流光身边做助手就好,你去做,会引起怀疑,所以最好不要。你和流光就是为了掩人耳目的,也是为了掩护圣雪。)”金幻雪看见顾雪曦点了头,脸上就再次浮现笑容,“you have just come back, very tired, to rest, late, i let a person take the file to you。 to have a rest。 (你刚回来,很累了吧,去休息吧,晚点,我让人把文件拿去给你。去休息一下吧。)”

“well, i'm going。 (嗯,我这就去。)”顾雪曦脸上也再次浮现温柔的笑,似乎刚刚两人的严肃只是所有人的幻觉。


