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笔趣阁 > 人造美人鱼The Costume更新至3部 > 分节阅读_6


“reeber he nae of our pany: ‘eernal pleasure’ you ill be an eernal source of pleasure for anybody ell, see you oorro, unless you are very, very lucky”

and sayg ha, he oan pushed nile forards ih srengh as she as unable o hold back she fell on her back o he aer he fed rg around her neck prevened her fro skg and lef her verical ih her head above he aer

she sared o shake her body ih desperaion

“ry o avoid any agiaion, i ill aelerae he progra and he nanies ill sar earlier” shoued he oan hile she urned round and gracefully en ou of he house

nile as lef alone every aep o ove herself as va, she had no ay o drive her body any direcion because he rubber rg on her neck held her pce and as she had o sofen her oveens under he risk of brgg forard he nanies sarup

she kne ha she ould have no ay o ge ou on ie he pary as abou o sar, i as near six o’clock and i as scheduled o s unil idnigh jus afer he s gues ould leave she ould sar o be ransfored o a helpless sve

everyhg as already se up and she ouldn’ be able o sop i or o arn anybody abou her fae

ha as ha she had aned, o be aracive and helpless durg all he eveng ihou beg able o sop i even if she regreed he perfec self bondage seup

ha she had no pnned is ha she ould rea like ha for he res of her exisence, no an eernal life *********************************** >]
