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笔趣阁 > 人造美人鱼The Costume更新至3部 > 分节阅读_5


“he psic penis side your vaga ill change urng o a excig device ha ill sar and sop randoly bu your cli ill be ransfored such a ay ha i ill never le you cliax, no aer ho grea ay be your exciaion level

“he openg your anus ill exend, bu he side ill becae narroer and very sensiive, so any peraion hrough i ill be paful

“your breass ill gro and bee ore sensiive and your nipples ill be nneced by nerves o your pussy so henever hey are siued i ill crease your excieen even ore

“all your forer huan sk ill be repced by he ex ver and your sensory nerves ill be nneced o i so any ouch on i ill be like ouchg your sk

“he srap around he gag ill sick o your sk jog o i an divisible uni he rubber ball ill fe even ore side your pae and your eeh and ongue ill disappear he fron face ill sick also divisibly o he back of your lips i ill fally be par of your body, forever as you on’ lose your vocal chords you ill be able o ei sof and ublg oans

“your breahg syse ill change o aep air and aer, like any aphibious beg, so you ill be able o breahe under he aer

“your ears ill be reoved, so you ill bee oally deaf

“your hair ill be also dissolved under he cup, and is borders ill also jo o he sk of your face

“all your ernal body funcions ill be odified you on’ need solid food anyore he source of energy for your anis ill be he ligh of he sun, like every pn jus by phoosynhesis you ill ge enough o keep your body orkg and as you ill live o he aer, your rear hole and your nosrils ill be he opengs here you ill be aered, and also he ays for your disposal, ha ill be only liquid and ill only ork side he aer

“if you are aken ouside he aer, you ill sar o feel very hirsy a shor ie and if you are ou of he aer for long, you ill die of dehydraion a very slo and paful ay

“he only par ha nanies on’ aler is your bra; your neuronal funcions ill be kep as hey are so you ill be pleely lucid and aare of everyhg ha ours around you, alhough you ill no be able o do anyhg o avoid i

“if you ge adequae sunligh and
