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笔趣阁 > 人造美人鱼The Costume更新至3部 > 分节阅读_3


“very pracical”

“ell, no you have o sand very sraigh, ih your legs ogeher, knees forard, fee parallel, and don’ leave he slighes gap beeen your legs”

nile did ha she as ordered o he oan leaned don o plee he righ pceen of her legs, and she adjused he several ies unil she as saisfied

“no, don’ ove eiher a enh of an ch or all he ork ould be rued”

hen she sared o apply he spray firs on her fee

she fel he liquid very ol and refreshg bu once her oes ere oally vered she fel he pleely iobilized she ried o ove any of he bu she uldn’ and she fel as if he liquid as akg he shape of her fee

hen he oan sared o go up on her legs as here as no gap beeen he and hey ouched each oher all along he ay up, he liquid as forg a unique ver over he he space beeen her legs he oan sprayed ore liquid unil he surface as pleely sooh he fron and also he back once she fished, here as no race of he shape of her legs under he ver

and once hey ere vered up o her highs she uld no separae he anyore hey ere suck ogeher

“no i have o sall a uple of ipleens” said he oan, leavg nile sandg a precarious bance “don’ fall, please”

she en back ih o psic devices one of he had a penis shaped for and he oher one as a cylder

“jus as i have ordered” hough nile hen he sa he

he oan sered he psic penis side nile’s vaga she pressed i carefully o fi i i asn’ very difficul, nile as already aroused enough o le i ihou difficuly even havg her legs closed he penis enered pleely and nile fel i very hard side her pussy he ouer side as fully vered she ouldn’ be perable hrough ha enrance

he cylder as o be sered her anus i had he openg sufficienly ide o be vioed ihou probles as she as very ausoed o be rear-aacked i proruded ouside her sk a uple of ches and i as on purpose ha ould be he only openg ha she ould have so i ould no be vered by he ex once he sue as ready, he cylder ould be reoved, leavg he openg ac

once boh devices ere se up, he oan nued applyg he liquid around nile’s croch and hips his case she applied i jus on he surface, so he sue ould follo exacly he shape of her buocks

hen he ouer ver of he psic penis as fully
