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笔趣阁 > 人造美人鱼The Costume更新至3部 > 分节阅读_2


her ousandg figure, y ais, big and rounded breass and cue face araced he aenion of every person

and she as ays ready o serve she didn’ have any proble beg ied, raped, orured and punished by anyone jus he necessary safey easures like ndos, soppg ords or signals if she as unable o speak o assure ha she uld keep enjoyg i

bu for ha nigh she ould surprise everybody

she ould be unique, no one ould fail o look a her, o ouch her, o use her she ould eclipse every oher oan; all he en he pary ould be for her and she ould be for all of he

ha nigh she ould be a eraid, a oally defenseless arless and speechless eraid

she had received he ad by e-ail

“eernal pleasure: exclusive feish sues ake your reques and e’ll fulfill i no aer he s, no aer he difficuly, no aer he eirdness, e can do he ipossible e are specialiss providg eernal sources of pleasure”

she didn’ kno hy ha ad araced her aenion i as jus one ore bu he lors of he logo, he blkg ypography, and he ord ‘exclusive’ ere enough for a ry

she had been hkg abou beg a eraid for a long ie she had dreaed of havg a fish ail, no ars and sig freely a aer orld

bu she hadn’ go exacly ha she aned unil hen she had ried differen oufis and fabrics, bu nohg saisfied her here as no ay o disguise a pair of legs side a ail, here as no ay o hide a pair of ars under a rse

so she ade her reques, and proised o pay double if he ork saisfied her needs

soon she received a caalog ih phoos of odels earg differenly lored arless eraid sues, all of he ore also a bahg cap ha vered enirely heir hair and a ball gag ih a achg lor and she as asonished he oen really looked like eraids, he ails ere very real and he legs ere unnoiceable behd he fabric and he end of he ail didn’ reveal a all he presence of fee

and he upper orsos ere oally sooh he shoulders he
