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the soldiers return

take pity on a sodger.”

sae wistfully she gaz'd on me,

and lovelier was than ever;

quo' she, “a sodger ance i lo'ed,

forget him shall i never:

our humble cot, and hamely fare,

ye freely shall partake it;

that gallant badge—the dear cockade,

ye're wee for the sake o't.”

she gaz'd—she redden'd like a rose—

syne pale like only lily;

she sank within my arms, and cried,

“art thou my ain dear willie?”

“by him who made yon sun and sky!

by whom true love's regarded,

i am the man; and thus may still

true lovers be rewarded.

“the wars are o'er, and i'me hame,

and find thee still true-hearted;

tho' poor in gear, we're rich in love,

and mair we'se ne'er be parted.”

quo' she, “my grandsire left me gowd,

a mailen plenish'd fairly;

ande, my faithfu' sodger lad,

thou'rt wee to it dearly!”

for gold the merchant ploughs the main,

the farmer ploughs the manor;

but glory is the sodger's prize,

the sodgerpppp's wealth is honor:

the brave poor sodger ne'er despise,

nor count him as a stranger;

remember he's his country's stay,

in day and hour of danger.
