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笔趣阁 > Poems and Songs of Robert Burns > to the weavers gin ye go

to the weavers gin ye go

in every knot and thrum.

to the weaver's, &c.

i sat beside my warpin-wheel,

and aye i ca'd it roun';

but every shot and evey knock,

my heart it gae a stoun.

to the weaver's, &c.

the moon was sinking in the west,

wi' visage pale and wan,

as my bonie, westlin weaver lad

convoy'd me thro' the glen.

to the weaver's, &c.

but what was said, or what was done,

shame fa' me gin i tell;

but oh! i fear the kintra soon

will ken as weel's myself!

to the weaver's, &c.
