that like a deathful meteor gleam'd afar,
and brav'd the mighty monarchs of the world.
“my patriot son fills an untimely grave!”
with accents wild and lifted arms she cried;
“low lies the hand oft was stretch'd to save,
low lies the heart that swell'd with honest pride.
“a weeping country joins a widow's tear;
the helpless poor mix with the orphan's cry;
the drooping arts surround their patron's bier;
and grateful science heaves the heartfelt sigh!
“i saw my sons resume their ancient fire;
i saw fair freedom's blossoms richly blow:
but ah! how hope is born but to expire!
relentless fate has laid their guardian low.
“my patriot falls: but shall he lie unsung,
while empty greatness saves a worthless name?
no; every muse shall join her tuneful tongue,
and future ages hear his growing fame.
“and i will join a mother's tender cares,
thro' future times to make his virtues last;
that distant years may boast of other blairs!”—
she said, and vanish'd with the sweeping blast.