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natures law—a poem

nature's law—a poem

humbly inscribed to gavin hamilton, esq.

great nature spoke: observant man obey'd—pope.

let other heroes boast their scars,

the marks of sturt and strife:

and other poets sing of wars,

the plagues of human life:

shame fa' the fun, wi' sword and gun

to slap mankind like lumber!

i sing his name, and nobler fame,

wha multiplies our number.

great nature spoke, with air benign,

“go on, ye human race;

this lower world i you resign;

be fruitful and increase.

the liquid fire of strong desire

i've pour'd it in each bosom;

here, on this had, does mankind stand,

and there is beauty's blossom.”

the hero of these artless strains,

a lowly bard was he,

who sung his rhymes in coila's plains,

with meikle mirth an'glee;

kind nature's care had given his share

large, of the flaming current;

and, all devout, he never sought
