adam armour's prayer
gude pity me, because i'm little!
for though i am an elf o' mettle,
an' can, like ony wabster's shuttle,
jink there or here,
yet, scarce as lang's a gude kail-whittle,
i'm unco queer.
an' now thou kens our waefu' case;
for geordie's jurr we're in disgrace,
because we stang'd her through the place,
an' hurt her spleuchan;
for whilk we daurna show our face
within the clachan.
an' now we're dern'd in dens and hollows,
and hunted, as was william wallace,
wi' constables-thae blackguard fallows,
an' sodgers baith;
but gude preserve us frae the gallows,
that shamefu' death!
auld grim black-bearded geordie's sel'—
o shake him owre the mouth o' hell!
there let him hing, an' roar, an' yell