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笔趣阁 > Poems and Songs of Robert Burns > song—rantin, rovin robin

song—rantin, rovin robin

i think we'll ca' him robin.”

robin was, &c.

“he'll hae misfortunes great an' sma',

but aye a heart aboon them a',

he'll be a credit till us a'—

we'll a' be proud o' robin.”

robin was, &c.

“but sure as three times three mak nine,

i see by ilka score and line,

this chap will dearly like our kin',

so leeze me on thee! robin.”

robin was, &c.

“guid faith,” quo', scho, “i doubt you gar

the bonie lasses lie aspar;

but twenty fauts ye may hae waur

so blessins on thee! robin.”

robin was, &c.
