the german chief to thraw, man:
for paddy burke, like ony turk,
nae mercy had at a', man;
an' charlie fox threw by the box,
an' lows'd his tinkler jaw, man.
then rockingham took up the game,
till death did on him ca', man;
when shelburne meek held up his cheek,
conform to gospel law, man:
saint stephen's boys, wi' jarring noise,
they did his measures thraw, man;
for north an' fox united stocks,
an' bore him to the wa', man.
then clubs an' hearts were charlie's cartes,
he swept the stakes awa', man,
till the diamond's ace, of indian race,
led him a sair faux pas, man:
the saxon lads, wi' loud placads,
on chatham's boy did ca', man;
an' scotland drew her pipe an' blew,
“up, willie, waur them a', man!”
behind the throne then granville's gone,
a secret word or twa, man;
while slee dundas arous'd the class
be-north the roman wa', man:
an' chatham's wraith, in heav'nly graith,
(inspired bardies saw, man),
wi' kindling eyes, cry'd, “willie, rise!
would i hae fear'd them a', man?”
but, word an' blow, north, fox, and co.
gowff'd willie like a ba', man;
till suthron raise, an' coost their claise
behind him in a raw, man:
an' caledon threw by the drone,
an' did her whittle draw, man;
an' swoor fu' rude, thro' dirt an' bluid,
to mak it guid in law, man.