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笔趣阁 > Poems and Songs of Robert Burns > Song—o tibbie, i hae Seen the day

Song—o tibbie, i hae Seen the day

wha follows ony saucy quean,

that looks sae proud and high.

o tibbie, i hae seen the day, &c.

altho a lad were eer sae smart,

if that he want the yellow dirt,

yell cast your head anither airt,

and answer him fu dry.

o tibbie, i hae seen the day, &c.

but, if he hae the name o gear,

yell fasten to him like a brier,

tho hardly he, for sense or lear,

be better than the kye.

o tibbie, i hae seen the day, &c.

but, tibbie, lass, tak my advice:

your daddies gear maks you sae nice;

theil a ane wad speir your price,

were ye as poor as i.

o tibbie, i hae seen the day, &c.

there lives a lass bes yon park,

id rather hae her in her sark,

than you wi a your thousand mark;

that gars you look sae high.

o tibbie, i hae seen the day, &c.
